Friday, January 9, 2009

Rest in Peace - Fr. Richard Neuhaus

The blog's been dormant as life has been a little too much to blog about lately. I've recently been missing it more and more, and considering what it would take to maintain the blog and other web resources for work and family. I'd even considered making it a New Year's Resolution, though I'm glad I didn't doom this good intention to the same fate as dozens of attempts to lose weight, quit drinking, etc.
What I've missed more than blogging is staying in touch with the writers that made me want to blog in the first place. It started with Fr. Kyle Schnippel's weblog 'Called by Name', where I 'met' Fr. Martin Fox, Rich Leonardi, Amy Welborn, and all the bloggers that are now my bookmarks, although I hardly seem to have the time to visit much these days.
Fr. Neuhaus' writing at 'First Things' and interviews on EWTN and Catholic Radio shaped my spirituality and my world-view. He lived and loved everything Catholic, and regardless of the subject, seemed to clearly articulate why Catholics believe and do what we believe and do. Here are links to what my others have written about the most articulate voice on the Catholic internet:
First Things post, K-Lo at The Corner (tip to Amy Welborn)
Washington Times obituary (tip to Rich Leonardi)
and a collection of other sources, some of which I'm not as familiar with, courtesy of
I can hardly hope to match Fr. Neuhaus' intellect or holiness, but I hope my writing might join countless others in appreciation and tribute, as his legacy continues to teach and preach. Let us pray now for his soul, and to one day join him, ready for death after a life, like his, well-lived.

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